Barriers in the employment of persons with disabilities

02 Nov 2021 CategoryURG rights and employment Author Umain Recommends

In this article:

The  above  review  of  the  literature  leads  to  various kinds of barriers faced by persons with disabilities  in  the  work  environment  or  while  hunting  for  a job in terms of employers’ and coworkers’ prejudice, institutional, social, personal, and psychological barriers.  When persons with disabilities want to join the employment market, they face many challenges more than abled  people. 

Persons  with  disabilities  are  liable  to  face  discriminative  attitudes  from  many  angles in the employment market, in terms of education, vocational training, physical access, recruitment process, allocation of job position, promotion, salary and participation in decision-making processes and sometimes leading some of them to untimely dismissal. Besides,  even  though  the  right  to  work,  including  the right to choose decent work and a safe working environment, is the fundamental human right of the United Nations, there are many problems associated with dis-abled persons while exercising this right to work, such as inaccessible workplaces, lack of transport, financial and  employment  assistance,  discriminatory  policies, and  negative  attitude  or  prejudice  of  the  work  environmental community. 

This resulted in psychological frustration and loss of social esteem for these disabled people around the world, compelling them to live in poorer health conditions, deprived them of higher education or status, and ultimately leading to lower economic participation with a higher rate of poverty. Thus, it can be concluded that when only the above barriers are surpassed, then programs for inclusion of disabled persons in employment can achieve positive results.  

So,  the  United  Nations,  the  pioneer  global organization has made many timely interventions at-tempts to remove these barriers for inclusive growth and development of the global society, by addressing and uplifting the problems faced by people including disabilities with their innovative policies for development enhancement, poverty reduction and the right to employment.

These interventions measure for persons with disabilities can be successful with the support and cooperation of other organizations, governmental and non- governmental, nationally as well internationally, researchers and psychologists, having the aim to pro-vide income and economic independence, by providing work and to increase self-confidence in being part of  the  global  society.   Due  to  these  interventions  of UN,  national,  international,  NGO,  and  local  organizations, it can be expected to bring awareness to the society to change the negative attitude or prejudice to overcome the barriers in employment of persons with disabilities.

You can read the complete article here.