Equality and Human Rights factsheets

02 Nov 2021 CategoryPeople with disability rights and accommodations Author Umain Recommends

In this article:

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Been discriminated against? Need help?

Call our Equality Advisory Support Service helpline

Telephone: 0808 800 0082

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 7pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

Closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays

Online forms and alternative services available on their website: www.equalityadvisoryservice.com/

Disability Rights UK's Right to Participate website has videos, animations, information and resources to help you find out more about the Equality Act and how to fight discrimination.

F1 - human rights act

F51 - what counts as disability

F56 - understanding the equality act: information for disabled students

F59 - Brexit and human rights

F66 - the equality act and disabled people

See also the Equality and Human Rights Commission Guide - The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: What does it mean for you?

You can read the complete article here.