Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace, by Nicola Mullineux (Croner)

22 Nov 2021 CategoryDiversity groups and employment Author Umain Recommends

Originally published here

Here are the top benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace:

  1. Better hiring: Diversity helps promote your brand and presents your company as a desirable place to work. This allows you to attract the top talent from a wide range of pools.
  2. Differing perspectives: A diverse workforce means a diverse array of perspectives. This is vital to developing (and executing) business strategies.
  3. Increased creativity: Those with a diverse workforce often describe working in such an environment as a ‘melting pot of fresh ideas’, due to the variety of views staff provide.
  4. Reduced employee turnover: As previously mentioned, retention improves when you value and accept employees. The happier they are, the longer they are likely to stay with the company.
  5. Varied problem-solving skills: A diverse team offers different perspectives from various cultures, bringing creative ideas to day-to-day activities.


Improved employee engagement: Research, this time by Deloitte, shows that inclusion leads to employees engaging more with their roles.


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