An equilateral triangle formed by a black side, a red side and a black and red bottom side.

ENGSR – Engineering with Social Responsibility


The Engineering Group designs, develops, and manages innovative solutions for the areas of business where digitalisation generates major change, such as Digital Finance, Smart Government & E-Health, Augmented City, Digital Industry, Smart Energy & Utilities, Digital Media & Communication.

Company size: More than 500 employees








An equilateral triangle formed by a black side, a red side and a black and red bottom side.
Video Editor 1
17 Mar 2022

Social Responsibility

The specific component of our social responsibility derives from our core business, and our specific contribution to sustainable development involves a pillar called Digital Sustainability, which is increasingly becoming an operational tool for the pursuit of environmental, social and economic goals. In fact, Digital Transformation, in which we are leaders and with which we promote new models o fcoexistence and business for our stakeholders, is our primary contribution to improving the world in which we live. This is evidenced by our digital innovation projects, which are in accordance with the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda.

Diversity Commitee

The enhancement of diversity and the promotion of inclusion are increasingly central goals in our strategies. In 2020, we launched a structured diversity management path, aimed at sharing the active experiences of the Group's various offices, including those abroad, in order to monitor and improve life in the company by identifying dedicated projects, shared strategies and common goals to be achieved. In order to encourage the inclusion and professional growth of female and LGBT colleagues in a work environment that is still strongly male-dominated, ENGSR has decided to promote job postings aimed at hiring female and LGBT developers and managers.

Inclusion For People With Disabilities

We offer Telecommuting, e.g., the option to work five days a week from home, offered to employees with disabilities or with serious family situations. We have a fully accessible working environment, with plenty accomodations such as ramps, floor paving, audio signalling and accessible parking.

Environmental Responsibility

We pay the utmost attention to the correct and responsible management of the environmental impacts of our Data Centers and can claim excellent performance in terms of environmental sustainability. Since 2015, we have a Data Center equipped with a geothermal system that operates by using the water in the underlying aquifer, which has a constant temperature of about 13 degrees, to cool the data center.

Other Programs Or Actions

Working outside, with projects built on the needs of prisoners and inmates, as in Venice, is a lifeline and offers a second chance to men and women who must undergo an essential path of re-education in order to rebuild a new life. In recent years, we have supported several work reintegration projects that began within the walls of the prison in Southampton and continue outside, in the belief that the real possibility of social reintegration must be an integral part of the re-education process. Our collaboration with the social cooperative River Earth started from the desire to combine the circular economy and social commitment with the recovery and transformation of our PVC advertising materials into bags and other objects. Our support was then extended to the purchase of ecological soaps produced in the cosmetics laboratory that will be used in the company's offices, and finally to the Garden of Wonders, a wonderful project that was immediately deemed worthy of attention and genuine help.